Monday, 18 April 2011

Jenny O'Neill the snitch

Jenny O'Neill has claimed that she wasn't the one who told Julie Brown about a student needing surgery because of Coleen Leis' negligence but this letter from a parent proves that she did. We knew this happened and because of her ongoing rot made her sign a new employment agreement in December where she had to promise not to speak to the media.

You can tell from the letter that Jenny O'Neill was actively promoting Julie Brown's work on Carenne.

I have been asked by Mr Terry Neal, relieving principal of Carenne School to put my complaint about Jenny O’Neill the bus driver on Carenne’s Lithgow bus in writing after her giving information about my son to a journalist.
I was first told about the Sydney Indymedia website in September by Jenny O’Neill one morning when she picked my son up. She told me the address of the site and that I should read it because there was important information about Carenne on there. She said that the school had a lot of problems and these were being exposed by the media. She told me I should contact Julie Brown and Edward James and tell them of my own experiences with Carenne and about Terry Mahony never acting on my complaints.
On 01/10/09 I told Jenny that BLANK would be spending most of the holidays in Sydney as he had to have surgery on his legs and that I found out through Louise Smith that BLANK hadn’t been placed in his Hart Walker at school when I had told Peter and Coleen that he had to be in it. To my horror on 04/10/09 I read Indymedia and the story about my son was on there. I was very upset but could not contact anyone until after the holidays. On 20/10/09 I spoke to Terry Neal who told me he would investigate and to write this letter.


Larry the Llama said...

I wouldn't believe much that comes out of the woman who made this complaint's mouth, she is a liar. Everyone knows that it was Lucy who wrote down the address of Sydney Indymedia for everyone and was actively promoting it, most likely because she was up Brian Carter's arse!

Anonymous said...

it was cherly chaplan that got marg kemp into indymedia NOT jenny

Anonymous said...

Liar Margaret Kemp the story ws posted on Indy Media on 3.10.2009.

Mary H said...

This is the letter that got Jenny O'Neill the sack. She was leaking personal information about disabled students. Shame on you Jenny O'Neill.

Anonymous said...

Mary H 18,May 2011 12:50 PM
More lies from Mary Housler!