Monday, 13 December 2010

Terry Mahony's influence

Even after Terry Mahony retired as principal he still maintained influence over staff at Carenne and Lyn Duncan being the inexperienced principal that she was fell for his rot.

It was Terry's idea to contain Brian Carter's son because he was paranoid that he was giving him information about what was happening at the school. Terry told us to all close rank and to keep Nathan out of as much as possible. He said it was psychological warfare and someone as weak as Nathan would buckle and leave.

After a while it didn't look like he would so we got together and harassed him more. We couldn't have Nathan Carter at the school that his father was attacking and it didn't look good for us when we were saying what we were about him. The decision to sack Nathan at the end of last year was made because Terry Mahony said it was the right time to do it.

It should have been Terry Mahony and Michael Auld that Nathan charged but he stuffed up and got stitched up for it. Now he is just another idiot who goes on with rot like his father and he is going to end up ruined like his father.

1 comment:

jrosenberg said...

nathan carter is nameing people who help him what a dog