Thursday 25 November 2010

The ridiculous demands of Brian Carter

The directors of Carenne Support this week discussed the ridiculous demands made by Brian Carter as part of compromises to settle his frivolous and pathetic claims in the courts.

to make him go away we offered to pay him 26 weeks pay to cut the rot. In exchange for his payment he had to agree not to support Carenne Gate. Carter insured made demands that we dont tell anyone why he was dismissed and for us to guarantee that we won't post on the blog about him. Who does he think he is making demands like this?

Brian Carter was dismissed for taking a student known to engage in bizarre sexual activities to Lithgow once ler week and for his poor driving. Ever since he has made it his business to destroy my beautiful school. He needs to cut the rot!

Besides Brian, his son Nathan has charged executive staff criminal offences, tried to sure the department for unfair dismissal, is trying to sue Carenne Support for wages as a bus driver and lodged an appeal.

Then you have their pal Jenny O'Neill, another trouble making snitch.

Brian Carter and his suporters are trying to ruin Carenne and I wont let it happen. The sooner he gets a life and cuts the rot the better


Anonymous said...

The sooner theres an independant enquiry made into all the bickering at carenne the better for the children.

Shane said...

You go on about telling the truth, why wasnt I told the truth about the incident on friday ?

Doesnt matter the relevant authorities are involved this time it wont be covered up.

Shane said...

30 November 2010 07:05

Agreed!!!! After what happened friday the investigation wont just be internal.

hatho said...

and nothing has happened Mr Bullshit